Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mission comes from within

(First published as a column for Trinity Uniting Church Wellington Point's weekly pew sheet "The Messenger" 2nd August 2015)

Welcome to my first column for The Messenger while Rev Linda is away. I’m still new here and finding out more everyday about what happens. 

A challenge for “The Church” is that the world is constantly changing and if we are to continue to remain relevant to the community, we as Christians have to change with it and continue to look at ways in which we are embedded with the community.

So it was with interest that I attended a guest lecture on Wednesday at Trinity College that both challenged and informed me about new ways the church is engaging with the community in very real ways.

Mark Berry at Trinity College Queensland, Wednesday July29
Mark Berry is a former youth worker who is now part of a “new monastic” community in Telford England. He shared his experiences over the last 10 years of their community vision of being a sacrificial and sacramental community within their community. This vision isn’t one of cloistering away from the wider world like some monastic traditions, but actually re-imagining how they become “church” and how that then relates to the community they live, work, play and raise a family in. New Monasticism is reframing mission; wanting to be in the community, walking around and discovering how just being part of the community instigates mission in God’s name.

This concept is underpinned by a quote from the prophet Jeremiah (29:7) “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” The New Monastic community is also filtered by the way Jesus sent out 70 disciples to share “peace” with all they meet (Luke 10). 

Our church is in a unique position in this community to share the gospel not only in word but in action. We don’t need to go to the lengths that the New Monastic community has in the UK, but they do provide something worth thinking about in how we can provide a Christian presence in Wellington Point.  The Uniting Church has always been strong on social justice and community engagement. But health, education and social commentary are just part of the story. Through some of the projects already underway, Trinity Wellington Point can continue to be a Vibrant, Accepting and Nurturing church that looks outward and inward with integrity and love.

To watch the entire lecture (Mark is a very engaging speaker) check out this youtube link -> and to find out more about Mark’s New Monastic community you can do so here ->
Until next time, grace and peace. Your Student Minister, Matt.

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