We also got to see part of the town being turned purple!! The water in the fountain in the middle of the town didn't look like the water I was used to, it was purple! Samuel's Daddy told us it was all about something called Relay for Life which raises money to help people who are sick with cancer.

I'm learning lots on my adventures. I even learnt where the postie takes parcels to be collected. They call it a mail delivery centre. I got to sit at the window and watched as Samuel's Daddy talked to the postman about his parcel. It was very big inside and fascinating to see all the busy Australia Post workers doing their jobs.

I've had some fun days with Samuel and his family, but I must admit my favourite part was all the cuddles I got from Samuel and his little sister Anastasia.
Now its time to come back to Scallywags and find out where I will be going next and who will have adventures with me. I wonder if they will come with extra cuddles too???