Welcome to 2017. I hope your Christmas was spent reflecting
on life, family and that Jesus is the reason for the Season. We celebrated at
our new home in Bundaberg hosting my family on Christmas Day and Sonya’s on
Boxing Day.
Due to some busy moments 12 months ago, we just never
managed to get our annual letter written and sent out. So before I recap 2016,
let me pick out the major happenings of 2015. It started with a couple of family outings – firstly to
the Ipswich Rail Museum and then a Sunshine Coast holiday visiting Sonya’s
parents, while also taking the kids to Aussie World and Maleny Dairies.
Fist day of school 2015 |
Samuel (turned 2 in Jan) and Anastasia (<1) were both at home with Sonya at the start of the year while she was still on maternity leave, but later in the year when she returned to work Anastasia joined Samuel in attending and enjoying family daycare twice a week with our daycare mum Maria. Sonya joined a gym which also allowed the younger ones to attend a crèche at the gym for an hour a couple of days a week. Samuel especially loved this and would always refer to it as “my crèche” whenever driving past the big red building. He also had a habit of dropping syllables off the start of words and talking in the third person. He has a lively personality, and talks constantly.
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12/3/15 |
29/3/15 |
We watched Anastasia grow into a confidant toddler throughout 2015, often trying her hardest to get around after her older siblings. By October, she was up and walking and very much mobile! She has a fairly quiet manner about her and also loves the social aspects of family daycare and crèche.
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30/9/15 |
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25/7/15 |
17/8/15 |
29/8/15 |
7/11/15 |
Sonya returned to part time work in July 2015, continuing to work for S&N Pathology in their lab at Greenslopes Hospital. She enjoyed her 9 days a fortnight and relished the opportunity to change scenery and be more than just mum for a while. In December, Sonya had 2 surgeries within 10 days of each other. Both left her with significant recovery time, so thanks again to the grandparents, our kids had a Summer Holiday while Mummy recovered and Daddy played nurse to her and Soxy the cat (who had a tooth infection and his own operation at the same time).
It was a busy time, so the annual letter did not get written…
Christmas Family Photo 2015 |
Outside of my ministry, I continued to work for Vision
Radio, although I resigned as a full-time staff member at the end of August to
do field. They offered me the occasional shift to “keep my hand in” which also
allowed me to still earn some sort of income. I undertook extra study doing a
Cert IV in Pastoral Care and I finally completed my bachelor of
theology and in May got to wear the gown and mortarboard and
walk across the stage to formally “graduate”.
On that note, we leave behind the year 2015 and launch into
what 2016 looked like for the Gees family.
Firstly, lets jump to the biggest news and the reason why
this letter is coming to you from Bundaberg. If you don’t have facebook and
haven’t heard through the grapevine... in October, the Gees family pulled up
stumps from their Drewvale home of 3 years and trekked back to Bundaberg! Sonya
and I have bought our first house in the suburb of Kepnock and the kids are
settling in to their new life.
This all came about when Sonya was told that there was a full-time position opening in the Bundaberg S&N Lab which would allow a work transfer for her. And although her original plans were not to go back to full time work until the kids were all in school, she felt strongly that this was an opportunity not to be passed over. So in late August she had an interview in Bundy, looked at some houses while she was there, and within 36hrs had had the interview, had a successful job offer, and signed a contract on a house, and we had moved in by 30 days later.
This all came about when Sonya was told that there was a full-time position opening in the Bundaberg S&N Lab which would allow a work transfer for her. And although her original plans were not to go back to full time work until the kids were all in school, she felt strongly that this was an opportunity not to be passed over. So in late August she had an interview in Bundy, looked at some houses while she was there, and within 36hrs had had the interview, had a successful job offer, and signed a contract on a house, and we had moved in by 30 days later.
We visited Caloundra in January for Nana (Sonya’s Mum)’s 60th Birthday (which was the first time the kids had seen their mother in person in about 5 weeks), took in the sights of helicopters and planes at the Brisbane RACQ Careflight open day in February, went camping at Jondaryan woolshed over Easter, saw the Watoto Children’s Choir perform at Ipswich in April, cheered on Zachary at 2 soapbox derbies and visited the Mt Gravatt show (just to name a few).
Anzac Day 2016, Wynnum |
Her company doesn’t do many extra-curricular activities but throughout the year she has enjoyed the normal routine of company nights and loved pyjama party movie nights, water play, Mother's and Father's nights and the occasional church parade. She participated in a combined Boys and Girls brigade Teddy Bears Picnic and marched at the Wynnum Anzac Day Parade. Tuesday night was always a highlight for her, just often a struggle to get her moving! There were tears as she left behind her GB friends at the end of third term due to the move.
First day of school 2016 |

At school, Zachary has also found his thirst for learning met. He loves everything about school and
has shown excellence especially in reading and maths but still does well in all his subjects. He wants to know everything, loves to help and is a very hands on learner.

Sonya took an opportunity in August to do some professional
development attending a work conference in Sydney. She stayed in a fancy hotel
for 2 nights, attended a conference and did absolutely no sightseeing!
(typical introvert). Funnily enough though she did strike up a conversation with a
fellow passenger on the plane ride home and discovered he had some friends in
common with her.
Her pet project since moving to Bundaberg has been getting her
house set up (yes as she tells you…its HER house, lol). Coordinating Builders,
electricians, getting quotes for this and that, making sure boxes are unpacked
and things set up the way she wants, just to make the house into a home. She
had some invaluable help not long after we moved up, with some great friends
giving up their day (and birthday to boot) to help get the initial stages of
the house set up, and unpacking done. So while I was driving a truck up and
down the highway a couple of times…she had everything under control to set up
ready for the kids to come to their new home.
Once again the grandparents had helped as we split the kids, 2 each for
a week, to allow us to finish packing, move and unpack. She loves being back
at work in the Bundy lab (after 8 years in Brisbane), but admits the change of
hours can be a bit challenging, as she has gone from part time to full time
shifts, plus some on call.
Outside of this I have managed to do a few other things this
year. I attended the UCA QLD Synod, entered some photos into the Mt
Gravatt Show (achieving a couple of placings), helped out again at the annual
Relay for Life in Bundy and participated in Moggill UCA Day Camp as camp
photographer. Alexandra and Zachary also spent the week at day camp for the
first time ever and would love to do it all again.
So to wrap it all up, its been a rollercoaster ride the last
2 years and this is merely a glimpse behind the scenes. I try to share with
friends and family throughout the year what we’ve been up to via social media
so please look me up on facebook or Instagram and join in our journey.
Of course as we always say, if you’re ever passing through our neck of the woods, we would love to see you and catch up.
Of course as we always say, if you’re ever passing through our neck of the woods, we would love to see you and catch up.
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Christmas family photo 2016 |
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