Thursday, April 12, 2012

Engaging the Easter Message

Through my work with the Vision Radio Network's daily program Twenty20, you really do get a chance to delve into life culture and current events from a biblical perspective. As a theology student, I'm constantly questioning how much I know and have learnt in the years that I have put into working towards a bachelor degree. But when you get the opportunity like I did recently to sit down with a retired theology professor and to engage with the easter message, I left the discussions feeling "Wow, maybe I do know more than I give credit to myself for"and at the same "I still have A LOT to learn!".

Pastor Aeron Morgan and I sat down before easter to discuss 2 topics. Firstly "What's so good about Good Friday"and "Is the resurrection still relevant in the 21st century". It was an absolute pleasure to sit and delve into these discussion with him. Afterwards, I received this email...
Dear Matt,
I've arrived home safely - good run up to the Sunny Coast today. Just want to thank you for being so warm and welcoming. It was a joy to work with you. You showed competence in your work, and I trust that the fruit of our joint effort will bring glory to God in the lives of those who listen to the broadcasts. May God continue to bless you in all you are doing for Him. I tryst we will meet up again before too long. And every blessing on your studies, and may the Lord grant a clear sense of His direction for your ministry in days to come. What a privilege - to serve the Most High!
God bless you,
His bio from says this:
AERON MORGAN and wife Dinah, have served the Lord for more than fifty years. They are Welsh and have pastored churches in the UK and Australia, where they now reside. Aeron served on the National Executives of the British and the Australian AoG fellowships.
He was the first General Superintendent of the British AoG, and was principal of the Australian National Bible College for twelve years. He was also an adjunct faculty member of the South Pacific Bible College in Suva, Fiji.
Now retired from active pastoral ministry he fulfils an extensive itinerant ministry in many countries speaking at churches, conferences, ministers' seminars, and short-term teaching in Bible Schools.

So here are the 2 discussions we had about Easter, may it be as much of a blessing to you as it was to me to explore these topics. (oh and it probably wouldn't go astray to have a bible close by if you can when listening to these podcasts).

Easter - Good Friday

Easter - Resurrection

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