Friday, June 10, 2016

Synod Football Tradition Continues

A tradition was continued recently as the Charles Farnsworthy Cup touch football match was played out between city and country on the second last day of the ‪#‎32ndSynod‬.

Both sides were evenly matched with a combination of youth and experience but in the end the country team prevailed over their city counterparts to take out the Cup.

Event organiser Rev Paul Clark says he is always impressed with the quality of players and their application to the task on the field.

“It’s a high standard and great to see the youthful members participating as well, but it's hard to beat the country team, as evidenced by their decade-long dominance of the competition."

Charles Farnsworthy III was conspicuous by his absence from the event named after him.

Try scorers:
Country—Danial King (2), Rev Greg Rankin, Rev Unga Takai
City—Michael Jeffrey, Peter Cranna, Dr Leigh Trevaskis

Country celebrate after another Farnsworthy Cup win

Disturbing Much, Disturbing Many

A book dedicated to the staff, faculty, librarians and students of Trinity Theological College between 2001 and 2012 was launched last night.

Disturbing Much, Disturbing Many: Theology provoked by the Basis of Union by Rev Dr Geoff Thompson; was officially launched by the former Principal and Academic Dean of Trinity College Rev Dr David Mackay-Rankin at the Indooroopilly Uniting Church. 

In launching the book, Rev Dr Mackay-Rankin paid tribute to his former colleague, describing Rev Dr Thompson as someone who “speaks not out of faction or party terms, but out of his unprejudiced reading of the text”. 

He described the book as one that uses the Basis of Union as a springboard to address issues for our church today and that each person who reads it will find portions that will be returned to again and again.

Rev Dr Thompson, in responding to the comments of his friend and former colleague; said writing the book reminded him that the fundamental story of the Basis of Union directs us to a very fruitful story both culturally and intellectually.

Despite being based in Melbourne, Rev Dr Thompson said there were substantial reasons for launching his book in Brisbane not the least of which was that the whole of the Queensland Synod enriched his life and that it was here he learnt to be a teaching theologian.

"Disturbing Much, Disturbing Many: Theology provoked by the Basis of Union" is published by Uniting Academic Press.